304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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107 | Carrot

Bengali Name : Gajor
English Name : Carrot
Scientific Name : Daucus carota var. sativa
Origin : Bangladesh
MOQ : 50 Kg
Season : November-March


Carrot Types

Carrot (gajar) a winter vegetable, Daucus carota, of the family Umbelliferae. Cultivated since the 16th century for its edible root. It is rich in sugar, carotene, calcium, and phosphorus. It has been divided into two groups: Asiatic and European.

The Asiatic type produces roots and seeds, whereas the European type produces roots but no seeds in tropical countries. Seeds are directly sown in the field during October-December; roots are ready for harvest within three months; yields range from 5-7 m tons/ha. Carrots are used in salads, and as ingredient for soups, curries, pies, etc. They are also used for making juice along with other vegetables and as colouring material for butter and other food items

Carrot Farming Season

Carrot is an important vegetable of Bangladesh usually grown in the winter season. Many Bangladeshi people involved with carrot cultivation during winter season and they became self reliant through farming carrot. Farmers have been cultivating early varieties of winter vegetables on their farmlands as their families depend on the income coming from selling the vegetables.

The Best Soil Condition for a Carrot Garden:

Actually, this crop is known as fussy growers. Soils are the important factor that plays a vital role in the organic productivity of carrots.

Rich sandy peaty soils and loose loamy soils are perfect conditions for sowing carrots. These kinds of soils also provide stronger roots to them. But any kinds of the soil have demerits too.


The thick clay soils and soils which are compacted with stone reduces (Hardy) can also grow them. This types of soil encourage sappy growth and forking of roots.

The pH value of soil should be at least 6.5 to 7.5. And it should be always remembered that the soils should be diseases and crack-resistant.


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