127 | Taro/Pani Kochu

Bengali Name : Pani Kochu
English Name : Taro
Scientific Name : colocasia esculenta
Origin : Bangladesh
MOQ : 100 Kg
Season : All Season


Taro/Pani Kachu

Taro/Pani Kachu that farmers cultivate in stagnant water is pani kachus. It is probably named Pani Kachu because it occurs in water. It has different names like coconut kachu, jaat kachu, basan kachu etc. The importance of watercress as a vegetable is widely appreciated. It is a popular vegetable especially among the people of Chittagong region. Because of its taste and nutritional value, it is also easy to cook.

Bengali name: Pani Kachu

English Name: Taro

Scientific name: Colocasia esculenta

Family: Araceae

Stolon of Taro/Pani Kachu

It is a very important vegetable crop. Bangladesh is exporting Taro/Pani Kochu to different foreign countries as vegetables from Bangladesh. All the cuttings that cultivate in standing water are water cuttings. Latiraj Kachu is one of the notable water kachu varieties of Bangladesh. From the name you can assume that the stolon is more prominent in this Taro/Pani Kochu. Farmers harvest a lot of vines  from 3 to 6 months after planting. Generally, about 200 grams of leaf farmers can collect from each tree every time after 10 days.

Climate and soil for Taro/Pani Kochu

Raw tropical crops. Medium-low to medium-elevation land, where rainwater can be retained and excess water can be drained off, is suitable for Latiraj kachu cultivation. Long-term waterlogging is detrimental to Latiraj Kachu. Loam and sandy loam soils rich in organic matter are best for Latiraj Kachu. If the drainage system is good, it can be cultivated in atel loam soil.

Land preparation and planting

Farmers cultivate a lot of seedlings in dry or semi-arid land. Before planting, they first plow and weed and sow the seeds in rows. These seedlings are Gudi seedlings. At the tip of the vine (sucker) and at the base of the stem, small seed pods are produced. If there is a delay in planting after picking Gudi seedlings, Farmers  bury thickly in moist soil and they maintain  at proper planting distance after preparing the field.

At the time of dense planting, young 2-1 leaves should keep and all the remaining leaves and old roots should cut and throw away. 4-5 cm deep furrows should  make with a plow or a stick and cover with soil after planting seedlings.

Use of Taro/Pani Kachu

Taro/Pani Kochu can use in many Ayurvedic properties. Depending on the species, roots, roots or stalks, leaves and data are all human food. Due to the high amount of vitamin A in the kachu leaf, it is very useful in preventing night blindness. Prawns and fish are among the favorites in the diet of many people. Also Taro Lati Chachchari, Taro Lati Vuna, Taro Lati Hilsa, Taro Lati Korma, Taro Lati in Mustard Bata, there is no limit to how many other types of food  for cooking.

Different Varities of Taro

On the side of the road, around the house, in various fallow lands, kachu is often seen growing neglected. There are many varieties of Taro/Pani kachu. Some varieties require a lot of maintenance. The kachus that grow naturally in the forest that is “wild kachus”. Many of these varieties are not suitable for human consumption. Among the edible varieties are Mukhikachu, Panikachu, Panchmukhi Kachu, Paednail, Olakchu, Dudhkachu, Manakchu, Sholakchu etc. Apart from being used as a vegetable, some species of kachu are cultivated in tubs and gardens for their beauty. Some of them have very lush leaves, and some have very beautiful flowers.


Nutrition (per 100g)

Calories/Energy                     56 kcal

Fat                                                 1.5 grams

Carbohydrates/sugars          6.8 grams

protein/meat                          3.9 grams of

Calcium/Lime                         227 mg

Iron                                              10 mg

Thiamine/Vitamin B1           0.22 mg

Riboflavin/Vitamin B2          0.26 mg

Vitamin C                                    12 mg


Bari Pani Kachu 1 and Bari Pani Kachu-2 are two improved Pani Kachu varieties developed in the country. These two varieties are good varieties for Lati production.

Bari Pani Kachu-1 (Latiraj or Ufshi)

Life span 180-270 days. 2 months to 7 months after planting. 25-30 tons of shoots and 15-20 tons of stems are produced per hectare.  Low calcium oxalate does not cause itchy throat.

Bari Pani Kochu-2

The stem is the main edible part. The stolon length is about 1 meter. The stem is round, relatively thick and dark green in color. In one hactare Farmers get 25-30 tons of shoots and 18-22 tons of stems. People also cook stolon evenly. Low calcium oxalate does not cause itchy throat.

  Bari Pani Kochu-3

The stem is the main edible part. 25-30 tonnes of stems and 10-12 tonnes of stems are produced per hectare. Low calcium oxalate does not cause itchy throat.

 Bari Pani Kochu-4

The year of release is 2013. Basically the rhizome is the main edible part of the root, but to a lesser extent the stalk. The stem is thick and pink in color. The rhizome is pink in color and the flesh is light pink which is a special feature of this variety. 35-45 tones of stems and 5-8 tones of stems are produced per hectare. Low calcium oxalate does not cause itchy throat.

Bari Pani Kuchu-5

The rhizome or root is the main edible part. The stem is thick and green in color. Rhizome is light green in color and flesh is light white. 35-40 tonnes of stems and 5-8 tonnes of stems are produced per hectare. Low calcium oxalate does not cause itchy throat.

 Bari Pani Kuchu-6

Its rhizome or root is about 1 meter long and grows 30-35 cm which is light green in color. The shell is attractive white. Rhizome is the main crop. Farmers get 80-90 tones of stems per hectare.

Health Benefits of Taro/Pani Kochu

Its high levels of vitamins can also promote healthy vision, skin, circulation, and immune system function.

Improved Digestion

Taro has more than twice as much fibre as potatoes.  Improves digestive function and can relieve issues like constipation, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, and acid reflux.

Because fiber moves slowly through the digestive system, studies show that it also keeps you feeling fuller between meals, aiding in healthy weight management.

Blood Sugar Management

The carbohydrate content in Taro is a resistant starch. People says these good carbs is  “stabilize blood sugar,” which helps with weight management and may reduce the risk of diabetes. These starches are also suitable for low-carb and Keto Dytes.

Heart Health

There are high levels of potassium in Taro, a mineral that helps to control high blood pressure by breaking down excess salt. This reduces stress on your cardiovascular system, helping to prevent development of chronic heart problems.

Lowers Risks Associated with Cancer

Taro and its edible leaves have lot of antioxidants, Quercetin which comes from the vegetable’s purple pigment, is a powerful antioxidant that protects your body from free radicals. Free radicles are molecules that build in your body due to aging and lifestyle and cause cell damage that scientists believe can lead to cancer.


Taro/Pani Kochu is an excellent source of dietary fiber and good carbohydrates, which both improve the function of your digestive system and can contribute to healthy weight loss. Its high levels of vitamin C, Vitamin B-6, and  Vitamin E also help to maintain a healthy immune system and may eliminate free radicals. Taro  also contains high levels of:

Nutrients per Serving

One cup of Taro has:

  • Calories: 187
  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Fat: 0.1 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 39 grams
  • Fiber: 7 grams
  • Sugar: 1 gram

Portion Sizes

Taro/Pani Kochu is low in calories and, while it’s high in carbohydrates, these are the good resistant starches that promote a healthy gut. Serving sizes of one-half to one cup of Taro will add significant nutritional value to any meal.



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